Friday, January 22, 2016

Hamlet prompt + weekend hw 1/22

"What is a man?" Hamlet asks rhetorically in the course of the play named after him.  The play, the characters' lines--Ophelia's and Polonius's and the Gravedigger's and Hamlet's dialog and soliloquies-- all build a multi-hued tapestry representing this "quintessence of dust" called life.  Take a stab through the tapestry, just at Hamlet did only to find Polonius on the other end of his rapier.  But, rather than working with a blade, use your very best words, your finest sentences, your most delicately designed paragraphs to write an essay worthy of the wit, wisdom, and wonder of William Shakespeare.

Over the weekend, before our next class on Tuesday 1/26 please read Tom Stoppard's play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.

Yes.  All of it. 

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