Tuesday, May 31, 2016

AP 11 Reading 2: The Most Quoted Writer of the 17th century--Lord Chesterfield

Lord Chesterfield's Advice to His Son

AP Language and Composition expects you to analyze rhetoric (the art of persuasion) dating back to Shakespeare.  A century after Bill penned his plays, Lord Chesterfield wrote a number of books that were completely ignored by history.  Meanwhile, he wrote a bunch of letters to his son, which stand as a great way understand the aristocratic mores and morals of the time period.

Besides his archaic views on life, you need to get used to the extensive and elaborate sentence structure of the 18th century.  If you can handle it, then the rest of the reading load can be tackled with ease.

AP 11 Reading 1: The End of Free Will

There's No Such Thing as Free Will
by Stephen Cave
TheAtlantic June 2016 issue

This essay explores the current state of research on the nature vs nurture question, offering the controversial thesis that we humans don't really have free will, but mitigating that point by claiming that we are better off if we believe in it any way.

Learning concepts such as "fatalism" and how it is different from "determinism", this article taught me a lot, and there are many ideas within it with which I disagree.  However, it contains the sort of sweeping grand theories of life that we will encounter repeatedly in this class.

Monday, May 23, 2016

week 36 - May 23- 28

finish prep for Moth stories
conferences for research paper
hand in revised research papers
Hw) finish research papers

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

week 35 - May 17-May 20

  • paper Conferences
  • Moth workshops
  • Fill in Moth graphic organizers
HW) Develop moth stories

  • paper Conferences
  • Moth workshops
  • Rehearse Moth stories
HW) prepare moth stories  for performance
Final draft paper rewrite

Monday, May 9, 2016

week 34 - May 9-13

intro to Moth assignment
listen to Moth examples
develop criteria to create good Moth story
HW)  bring in junior research paper

contemplate Howell AP research rubric
Moth story groups
teacher conferencing over research papers
HW) revised research for papers

Moth story groups
continue teacher conferencing
HW) newly revised research papers

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

week 33 - May 3 and May 5

Tuesday May 3
  • practice lit terms for AP test with AP quizlet
  • 4 practice poems, fill in graphic organizer and get to Meaning of the Work as a Whole
  • review tips for tomorrow's exam
HW) final study and practice for exam

Thursday May 5
  • The American musical as a work of theater and art
  • as portrayed in High School Musical
  • the return of Artie's Children 4 eva
  • begin work for The Moth stories
HW) Listen and study on https://themoth.org/stories