Tuesday, October 27, 2015

week 9 AP 12

Tuesday 10/27

Wuthering Heights timed write
hand in Wuthering Heights
craft, practice and revise Voice of Democracy speeches
HW)  final drafts of Voice of Democracy speeches

Thursday 10/29

revise and rehearse Voice of Democracy speech
present/record Voice of Democracy speeches
fill in 
issue Great Gatsby
HW)  read chapter 1 and 2 of GG
didls in paragraph form one page
You may select and rewrite for an improved grade one of your timed-write essays. Due 11/2

Monday, October 19, 2015

week 8 AP 12, October 19-23

POWA sentence editing work
DIDLs for a passage in weekend's reading
Share DIDL's findings
examine list of AP open ended prompts--select 3 that work with Wuthering Heights
Hw) chapters 25 and 26, write one DIDL's for a select passage

Wednesday 10/21
Wuthering Heights quiz open notes, book
share DIDL's from HW
build Wuthering Heights essay for one prompt from AP list
HW)  Read Wuthering Heights ch 27 and 28 and 29 another open book/notes quiz on Friday

Friday 10/23
NYTimes article on Texas text book grammar
Wuthering Heights discussion
Building outlines, testing thesis statements, working on brilliant lines for Wuthering Heights essay
HW)  Finish reading Wuthering Heights
 prepare for timed write
read the VFW directions for Voice of Democracy competition and begin brainstorming

Monday, October 12, 2015

week 7--October 13-16

Tuesday, Octobr 13
reminder for those who missed timed write--Thursday after school is mandatory
review cumulative and periodic sentences about chapter 14-20
seminar on Wuthering Heights
close reading DIDLS of 215 Nelly's description of Hareton
HW) read chapters 21 and  22, select one paragraph or selection on which you will do a DIDLS analysis
bring "How to Read Literature Like a College professor" 

Thursday, October 15
write one cumulative and one periodic sentence about chapters 21 and 22
seminar on Wuthering Heights
do 9 more posters on Wuthering heights, applying different concepts from "How to Read . . ."
DIDLS review
HW)  read chapters 23 and 24, select one paragraph or selection on which you will do a DIDLS analysis

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Periodic vs Cumulative Sentences

Periodic Sentences have the stem clause at the end.  This sentence pattern uses a delay to create anticipation and suspense, climax or ironic anti-climax.

Example:  Ignoring the imprecations of the gardener, pushing by the numbskulled narrator Nelly, and storming like a newly released bull primed for insemination into his childhood playmate's bedchamber, Heathcliff arrived.
Cumulative sentences have the stem clause at the beginning, followed by a series of clauses or phrases in parallel structure.  These sentences allow the writer to layer detail upon detail to unveil depth of insight and mastery of sentence fluency.

Example: Catherine waited in the storm for Heathcliff to return, her resolution never faltering, even as, moment by soaking wet moment, the fact of his self-imposed exile sunk into her once-beautiful, now thoroughly bedraggled head.