Monday, September 28, 2015

AP 12, week 5, September 28-October 2

Monday 9/28
  1. SAT practice on Khan
  2. self-assessment on college essay
  3. Wuthering Heights seminar
  4. Heights class, irony and behavior
HW)  read Wuthering Heights chapters 9 and 10, write a page of What/Why/How for each chapter

Wednesday 9/30
  1. SAT practice on Khan
  2. Wacky Wuthering Words
  3. Speed reading lesson
  4. Wuthering Heights seminar
  5. What/Why/How break down
  6. Reading like a professor
read Wuthering Heights chapters 11 and 12, write a page of What/Why/How for each chapter

Friday 10/2 

  1. SAT practice on Khan
  2. Wacky Wuthering Words
  3. Wuthering Heights seminar
  4. What/Why/How break down
  5. Reading like a professor 
  7. HW) 
    read Wuthering Heights chapters 13 and 14, write a page of What/Why/How for each chapter

Monday, September 21, 2015

week 4: AP 12 September 21 - 25

  • Critical thinking
  • Make inferences in reading
  • Develop arguments
  • Integrate evidence
  • Decode Words 
  • Identify an author's strategies and literary term applications

9/22 Tuesday:
  • SAT practice on Khan academy
  • Group assessment of top essay from the Jane Austen papers:  highlight the exceptional, the average and the needs improvement
  • Create and share the What/Why/How analysis of Wuthering Heights chapters 3 and 4
  • Peer editing of college essays
  • Writing seminar of two essays
  • Revision time for college essays
HW:  Read chapters 5 and 6 of Wuthering Heights
Second draft of college essays

9/24 Thursday
  • SAT practice on Khan Academy
  • Study two highly successful college essays
  • Writing seminar for our student college essays
  • Create and share the What/Why/How analysis of Wuthering Heights chapters 5 and 6
  • final teacher conferencing and peer editing for college essays
HW read chapters 7 and 8 of Wuthering Heights
Final/Final draft of college essays

Sunday, September 13, 2015

week 3 AP 12

  • identify and evaluate literary analysis
  • plan, organize and  write a timed essay about Jane Austen
  • practice literary analysis on a challenging novel
  • develop advanced syntax

Monday 9/14
  1. Good better best ID and explain with examples from student work
  2. Study anchor papers
    1. read A, F H, I
    2.  read B, C, D, G
  3. Asses peer essays for cruelty prompt
  4. Austin 1st chapter elements
  5. Plan Austin skit
  6. Pair planning for Austin essay
HW prep for Austin Timed write
pick out key passages in the opening chapters of Persuasion related to the next prompt:
In retrospect, the reader often discovers that the first chapter of a novel or the opening scene of a drama introduces some of the major themes of the work. Write an essay about the opening scene of a drama or the first chapter of a novel in which you explain how it functions in this way

Wednesday 9/16
  1. model sentence forms
  2. final planning and thesis revision:  figure skating metaphor
  3. Austen timed write
  4. issue Wuthering Heights
HW)  read 1st 2 chapters, fill in What/Why/How sheet
find college essay prompts

Friday 9/18
  1. model sentence forms 2
  2. peer assessment for timed writes on Jane Austen
  3. seminar Wuthering Heights
  4. selection and brainstorm of college essays
HW)  read Wuthering Heights chapters 3 and 4
write first draft of college essay

Saturday, September 12, 2015

9/14 good, better, best exercise

Given the following sets of examples from our work, please rank them as 'good', 'better' or 'best'.  Be prepared to explain your answers.

A.  Often times, cruelty occurs in people's lives that motivates them to search for the strength to search for a better life.

B.  Our world is built on cruelty.  While it crushes some, it feeds others; gives them the will to fight for a better life, for themselves, for their families, and for future generations.

C. Literature often functions as a mirror to the real world and because of this works of literature frequently depict the darker side of humanity and the harsh realities that exist for many people.

Thesis statements:
A.  In the novel "A Thousand Splendid Suns", the author Khalid Hosseini expresses many acts of cruelty to demonstrate how strong the victims are in this novel.

B.In A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Hosseini, Laila and Mariam endure many acts of cruelty towards themselves, each other, and from their abusive husband, Rasheed, that makes them realize they need to make the best out of their situation, and try to search for a way out of their current lives for a better one.

C.  Hosseini details the two womens lives as they face the cruelty of those close to them and how such antics are allowed in a society that dictates said actions as right.

Quote integration:

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

cruelty timed write prompt

Question 3
(Suggested time — 40 minutes. This question counts as one-third of the total essay section score.)
In literary works, cruelty often functions as a crucial motivation or a major social or political factor. Select a novel,
play, or epic poem in which acts of cruelty are important to the theme. Then write a well-developed essay analyzing
how cruelty functions in the work as a whole and what the cruelty reveals about the perpetrator and/or victim.

AP 12: week 2: 9/8 and 9/10

Objectives:  learn a wide variety of literary tropes to augment reading analysis
                   practice and internalize the common rubric elements for literary analysis
                   plan, write, edit, and evaluate a timed written analysis of Thousand Splendid Suns

Tuesday, Sept. 8:
  • partner and create small posters to help remember key concepts of How to Read Literature Like A Professor
  • examine 2015 question 3 from the AP Lit exam + rubric
  • read anchor papers and determine what score they had earned
  • discuss and plan response for Thousand Splendid Suns
HW:  prepare for Thousand Splendid Suns timed write
bring notes for Persuasion

Wednesday, September 10
 check, review, collaborate on 1000 Splendid Suns timed write preparation
timed write
decompress with discussion and play acting of Jane Austen's Persusaion
HW) pick out key passages in the opening chapters of Persuasion related to the next prompt:
In retrospect, the reader often discovers that the first chapter of a novel or the opening scene of a drama introduces some of the major themes of the work. Write an essay about the opening scene of a drama or the first chapter of a novel in which you explain how it functions in this way.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

AP 12: Day 1, 9/2/15

  1. Syllabus, grading, rules and lock down review
  2. Myth and Bible Allusion quiz
  3. Check in annotations
  4. Pairs make posters with "How to Read Like a Professor" concepts
HW) review notes for Austin and Hosseini works